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Terms & Conditions

Part 1 – Pre-purchase Building Inspection Agreement

Inspection & Report: The inspection will be of the Building Elements as outlined in Appendix C of AS4349.1 -2007 except for Strata title properties where the inspection will be according to Appendix B of AS4349.1 -2007.
A copy of the appropriate Standard with Appendices may be obtained from Standards Australia at your cost.

Upon receipt of your order, We will carry out the inspection and report ordered by You in accordance with this agreement and You agree to pay for the inspection and the report on delivery of the report.
In ordering the inspection, You agree that the inspection will be carried out in accordance with the following clauses, which define the scope and limitations of the inspection and the report.


1. The Inspection will be carried out in accordance with AS4349.1-2007.The purpose of the inspection is to provide advice to a prospective purchaser regarding the condition of the property at the date and time of inspection. Areas for Inspection shall cover all safe and accessible areas.

2. The inspection shall comprise a visual assessment of the items listed in Appendix C to AS4349.1 – 2007 for the primary dwelling described as the subject property. Any additional structures that require inspection should be listed for quotation prior to the inspection. Inspection will be within the site boundaries only and will not include any retaining walls not visible from the confines of the site.

3. Subject to safe and reasonable access (See Definitions below) the Inspection will normally report on the condition of each of the following areas:

  • The interior
  • The exterior
  • The roof exterior
  • The roof void
  • The sub-floor

4. The inspector/contractor will report individually on Major Defects and Safety Hazards evident and visible on the date and time of the inspection. The report will also provide a general assessment of the property and collectively comment on Minor Defects which would form a normal part of property maintenance.

5. Where a Major Defect has been identified, the inspector/contractor will give an opinion as to why it is a Major defect and specify its location.


1. The Inspector/ contractor will conduct a non-invasive visual inspection which will be limited to those accessible areas and sections of the property to which Safe and Reasonable Access (see Definitions below) is both available and permitted on the date and time of the inspection. Areas where reasonable entry is denied to the inspector/contractor, or where safe and reasonable access is not available, are excluded from and do not form part of, the inspection. Those areas may be the subject of an additional inspection upon request following the provision or reasonable entry and access.

2. The Inspection WILL NOT involve any invasive inspection including cutting, breaking apart, dismantling, removing or moving objects including, but not limited to, roofing, wall and ceiling sheeting, ducting, foliage, mouldings, debris, roof insulation, sarking, insulation, floor or wall coverings, sidings, fixtures, floors, pavers, furnishings, appliances or personal possessions.

3. Tests are made on shower recesses to detect leaks but the tests may not show incorrect water proofing if silicone liquid or masonry sealant has been applied prior to the inspection as such application is a temporary water proofing measure and is found to last for some months.

4. When high moisture was detected to the wall adjacent to the bathroom , a full invasive inspection is required prior to purchasing the property to determine the extent of the damage even if it’s not stated in the body of the report.

5. Please Note: Where a property was furnished (fully or partly) at the time of the inspection, then you must understand that the furnishings and stored goods may be concealing defects. These defects may only be revealed when the property is vacated. A further inspection of the vacant property is strongly recommended in this case.

6. The Inspection and Report compares the inspected building with a building that was constructed in accordance with the generally accepted practice at the time of construction and which has been maintained such that there has been no significant loss of strength and durability.

7. The Inspection excludes the inside of walls, between floors, inside skillion roofing, inside the eaves, behind stored goods in cupboards, and other areas that are concealed or obstructed. The inspector/contractor WILL NOT dig, gouge, force or perform any other invasive procedures.

8. The Report is not a certificate of compliance that the property complies with the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance, local law or by-law, or as a warranty or an insurance policy against problems developing with the building in the future.

9. The Inspection WILL NOT look for or report on Timber Pest Activity. You should have an inspection carried out in accordance with AS 4349.3-1998 Timber Pest Inspections, by a fully qualified, licensed and insured Timber Pest Inspector.

10. If Timber Pest Damage is found then it will be reported. The inspector/ contractor will only report on the damage which is visible.
11. ASBESTOS: No inspection for asbestos will be carried out at the property and no report on the presence or absence of asbestos will be provided. If during the course of the Inspection asbestos or materials containing asbestos happened to be noticed then this may be noted in the general remarks section of the report. If asbestos is noted as present within the property then you agree to seek advice from a qualified asbestos removal expert as to the amount and importance of the asbestos present and the cost sealing or of removal.

12. MOULD (MILDEW) AND NON-WOOD DECAY FUNGI DISCLAIMER: No inspection or report will be made for Mould (Mildew) and non-wood decay fungi.

13. ESTIMATING DISCLAIMER: Any estimates provided in the Report are merely opinions of possible costs that could be encountered, based on the knowledge and experience of the inspector/contractor , and are not estimates in the sense of being a calculation of the likely costs to be incurred. The estimates are NOT a guarantee or quotation for work to be carried out. The inspector accepts no liability for any estimates provided throughout this report where they occur you agree to obtain and rely on independent quotations for the same work.

14. If the property to be inspected is occupied then You must be aware that furnishings or household items may be concealing evidence of problems, which may only be revealed when the items are moved or removed. Where the Report says the property is occupied You agree to:


  • Any Timber Pest activity or damage;
  • timber repairs or other repairs
  • Alterations or other problems to the property known to them
  • Any other work carried out to the property including Timber Pest treatments
  • Obtain copies of any paperwork issued and the details of all work carried out


15. The Inspection Will not cover or report the items listed in Appendix D to AS4349.1-2007.

16. Where the property is a strata or similar title, the inspector /contractor will only inspect the interior and immediate exterior of the particular unit requested to be inspected as detailed in Appendix B in AS4349.1-2007. Therefore it is advised that the client obtain an inspection of common areas prior to any decision to purchase.

17. The Inspection and Report WILL NOT report on any defects which may not be apparent due to prevailing weather conditions at the time of the inspection. Such defects may only become apparent in differing weather conditions.

18. You agree that We cannot accept any liability for Our failure to report a defect that was concealed by the owner of the building being inspected and You agree to indemnify Us for any failure to find such concealed defects.

19. Where Our report recommends another type of inspection including an invasive inspection and report then You should have such an inspection carried out prior to the exchange of contracts or end of cooling-off period. If You fail to follow Our recommendations then You agree and accept that You may suffer a financial loss and indemnify Us against all losses that You incur resulting from Your failure to act on Our advice.

20. The Report is prepared and presented, unless stated otherwise, under the assumption that the existing use of the building will continue as a Residential Property.


1. In the event of a dispute or a claim arising out of, or relating to the inspection or the report, or any alleged negligent act, error or omission on Our part or on the part of the inspector conducting the inspection, either party may give written notice of the dispute or claim to the other party. If the dispute is not resolved within fourteen (14) days from the service of the written notice then either party may refer the dispute or claim to an independent mediator. The cost shall be met equally by both parties or as agreed as part of the mediation settlement. Should the dispute or claim not be resolved by mediation then one or other of the parties may refer the dispute or claim to the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators of Australia who will appoint an Arbitrator who will resolve the dispute by arbitration. The Arbitrator will also determine what costs each of the parties are to pay.

2. Third Party Disclaimer:We will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense, whatsoever, suffered or incurred by any Person other than You in connection with the use of the Inspection Report provided pursuant to this agreement by that Person for any purpose or in any way, including the use of this report for any purpose connected with the sale, purchase, or use of the Property or the giving of security over the Property, to the extent permissible by law. The only Person to whom We may be liable and to whom losses arising in contract or tort sustained may be payable by Us is the Client named on the face page of this Agreement.

3. Prohibition on the Provision or Sale of the ReportThe Report may not be sold or provided to any other Person without Our express written permission. If We give our permission it may be subject to conditions such as payment of a further fee by the other Person and agreement from the other Person to comply with this clause.However, We may sell the Report to any other Person although there is no obligation for Us to do so.

4. Life of the ReportLife of a Pre-Purchase Report: This report should not be relied upon if the contract for sale becomes binding more than 60 days after the date of the initial inspection. A re-inspection after this time is strongly recommended.

5. ReleaseYou release Us from any and all claims, actions, proceedings, judgments, damages, losses, interest, costs and expenses of whatever nature that the Person may have at any time hereafter arising from the unauthorised provision or sale of the Report by You to a Person without Our express written permission.

6. IndemnityYou indemnify Us in respect of any and all liability, including all claims, actions, proceedings, judgments, damages, losses, interest, costs and expenses of any nature, which may be incurred by, brought, made or recovered against Us arising directly or indirectly from the unauthorised provision or sale of the Report by You to a Person without Our express written permission.


You should read and understand the following definitions of words used in this Agreement and the Report. This will help You understand what is involved in a property and building inspection, the difficulties faced by the inspector and the contents of the Report which We will provide You following the Inspection.
Acceptance Criteria: The Building shall be compared with a building that was constructed in accordance with the generally accepted practice at the time of construction and which has been maintained such that there has been no significant loss of strength and serviceability.

Access hole (cover) means an opening in the structure to allow for safe entry to carry out an inspection. Accessible area means an area of the site where sufficient safe and reasonable access is available to allow inspection within the scope of the inspection.

Building Element means a portion of a building that, by itself or in combination with other such parts, fulfils a characteristic function.

Client means the person(s) or other legal entity for which the inspection is to be carried out. If ordered by the person(s)’s agent then it is agreed that the agent represents the person(s) and has the authority to act for and on their behalf. (See also “You/Your” below)

Defect means a fault or deviation from the intended condition of the material, assembly or component.

Inspector means the person or organisation responsible for carrying out the inspection which sometimes can be a contractor. (See also “Our/Us/We” below.)

Limitation means any factor that prevents full achievement of the purpose of the inspection.

Major defect means a defect of sufficient magnitude where rectification has to be carried out in order to avoid unsafe conditions, loss of utility or further deterioration of the property.

Minor defect means a defect other than a Major defect.
Person means any individual, company, partnership or association who is not a Client.

Property means the structures and boundaries etc up to thirty (30m) metres from the exterior walls of the main building but within the boundaries of the land on which the main building is erected.

Report means the document and any attachments issued to You by Us following Our inspection of the property.

Structural Inspection means the inspection shall comprise visual assessment of accessible areas of the property to identify major defects to the building structure and to form an opinion regarding the general condition of the structure of the property. The Report will not include those items noted in Clause A3 of AS 4349.1-2007 e.g. Condition of roof coverings, partition walls, cabinetry, doors, trims, fencing, minor structures, ceiling linings, windows, non-structural & serviceability damp issues, rising damp, condensation etc.

Safe and Reasonable Access does not include the use of destructive or invasive inspection methods or moving furniture or stored goods.

The Standard defines the extent of safe and reasonable access as follows:
“The extent of accessible areas shall be determined by the inspector/contractor at the time of inspection, based on the conditions encountered at the time of the inspection. The inspector/contractor shall also determine whether sufficient space is available to allow safe access. The inspection shall include only accessible areas and areas that are within the inspector’s line of sight and close enough to enable reasonable appraisal.”

It also defines access to areas as defined in the Table below.

Access Table from AS 4349.1-2007

Area Access hole Crawl Space 6 or More Bedrooms
Roof interior 400mm x 500mm Crawl space: 600mm x 600mm Accessible from a 3.6m ladder
Roof Exterior Accessible from a 3.6m ladder placed on the ground
Sub-floor 500mm x400mm Vertical clearance
Timber floor: 400mm*Concrete floor: 500mm

* Underside of bearer.

  • The purchaser is not entitled to make any claim whatsoever until the consideration (fee) is paid to the company in full.
  • The report is based on the condition of the property and the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time of inspection.
  • The report shall be based solely upon a visual inspection by the company’s inspector/contractor on those parts of the building to which reasonable access is available at the time of inspection. If the inspection is prevented or inhibited by any obstacles including but not limited to cladding or lining materials, surface coverings, fixtures and fittings, furniture, or any other stored objects the company’s inspector/contractor shall base his report on those parts of the Building that are able to be inspected without removing such obstacles.
  • The purchaser acknowledges that the Company, will not be responsible for failing to include advice in the report in respect to:
    • Defects that may arise after the inspection from any cause, including abnormal weather conditions, abnormal usage of the building, fittings and fixtures attached.
    • Defects in areas of the building, which are inaccessible to visual inspection or are not reasonably discoverable upon visual inspection.
    • Structural defects in the Building, fittings and fixtures.
  • The Company will not be responsible for failing to including advice in the report in regard to whether the dwelling complies with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, the Building Code of Australia, Ordinance 70, and/or relevant Acts, Regulations and By-laws.
  • The company/consultant undertakes to provide a written report relevant to the nominated service. The report shall not be used by the applicant for purposes other than that defined in the report, nor shall it be reproduced in whole or part for any purpose. The applicant agrees to indemnity the consultant against any loss or damage as a result of the applicant’s failure to observe this clause. The report may not be used or relied upon by any person other than the applicant.
  • The applicant acknowledges that for the purpose of a Building Report the company does not provide a pest inspection with regard to the timber infestation, structural engineering, land surveying or strata records inspections. This report is not and does not purport to be a pest report; accordingly the matter of termite and borer infestation and associated damage and fungal decay and associated damage has not been addressed. We do recommend that a pest report be carried out on this property.
  • The company/consultant inspects those parts of the property, which are reasonably accessible in our reasonable opinion including ceilings and subfloors through existing unlocked manholes, trap doors and other suitable openings. Reasonable access generally means an unobstructed space with a vertical clearance of not less than 400mm or in the case of roof space 600mm x 600mm safely accessible from a 3.6 meter step ladder internally and a 3.6 meter ladder externally.
  • The inspection report fee shall be paid on or within 14 days of the date of inspection.
  • Asbestos roof and fibre cement products used in the past are known to contain asbestos fibres, which are a health hazard when inhaled. These products while often painted and in good condition presents a minimum health risk however if the material in question is brittle, deteriorated, flaky, unpainted or unsealed the health risk is much greater and removal should be considered by a specialist company.
  • We do not attempt to give an accurate condition assessment of gas and electrical appliances, such as dishwashers, air conditioners, ovens, spa baths, pool filters etc, further inspection of these items by their applicable trade expert are recommended.
  • Where shower recesses have been tiled we are unable to give an accurate determination to whether the correct waterproofing, if any, has been carried out.
  • Older houses are known to contain lead paint. Future renovation work and paint scraping can be hazardous to children and to health. Precautions are recommended. Dust accumulated in roof voids in older industrial suburbs will most likely contain particles of lead. Further investigation should be undertaken by trade experts in this area.
  • The construction and operation of the pool and its equipment does not form part of this report. It is suggested you obtain maintenance records and operation manuals from the vendor and if concerns arise have a maintenance inspection carried out by a specialist pool company.
  • Furniture, floor coverings, insulation or other items may deliberately conceal some defects. Wall surfaces may be covered with wallpaper, panelling or textured paint, which can conceal defects. Often defects are only revealed when items have been moved from the property or when alterations have been carried out. Often built-in cupboards and other storage areas are in use and may conceal defects. We recommend a follow up inspection if removal of these items reveal additional defect.
  • When alterations and renovation additions have been carried out the purchaser should obtain a Section 149A Certificate from local council confirming that works have been approved and inspected by council. A Section 149A Certificate does not protect the purchaser against other council orders such as fire safety, pool safety, stormwater and or fences.
  • With regard to electrical, gas, air conditioning installations, hot water heaters and plumbing, any comments that are made are a general observation only. We recommend that the relevant specialist trade be contacted regarding compliance and safety of any wiring. The purchaser should satisfy themselves with regard to the operation and condition of the appliances.
  • If settlement and or cracking is noted in the report it is recommended that further clarification from a structural engineer is sought in relation to the defect. It is also recommended that continued monitoring be carried out in relation to such structural defects.
  • No responsibility is accepted for any comments in relation to structures not certified or approved by council or any other relevant certifying authority.
  • Standard pre-purchase property inspections do not cover the following items detailed in Appendix D of Australian Standard 4.49.1-2007: footings below ground; concealed damp-proof course; electrical installations, operation of smoke detectors, light switches and fittings, TV, sound and communications and security systems; concealed plumbing; adequacy of roof drainage as installed; gas fittings and fixtures; air-conditioning; automatic garage door mechanisms; swimming pools and associated filtration and similar equipment; the operation of fireplaces and solid fuel heaters, including chimneys and flues; alarm systems; intercom systems; soft floor coverings; electrical appliances including dishwashers, incinerators, ovens, ducted vacuum systems; paint coatings, except external protective coatings; health hazards (e.g. allergies, soil toxicity, lead content, radon, presence of asbestos or urea formaldehyde); timber and metal framing sizes and adequacy; concealed tie-downs and bracing; timber pest activity; other mechanical or electrical equipment (such as gates, inclinators); soil conditions; control joints; sustainable development provisions; concealed framing-timbers or any areas concealed by wall linings/sidings; landscaping; rubbish; floor cover; furniture and accessories; stored items; insulation; environmental matters (e.g. BASIX, water tanks, BCA environmental provisions); energy efficiency; lighting efficiency.


  1. Reasonable access does not include the cutting of access holes or the removal of screws and bolts or any other fastenings or sealants to access covers.
  2. Sub floor areas sprayed with Chemicals should not be inspected unless it is safe to do so.

Our/Us/We means the company, partnership or individual named below that You have requested to carry out the property inspection and report.

You/Your means the party identified on the face page of this agreement as the Client, and where more than one party all such parties jointly and severally, together with any agent of that party.

You agree that in ordering this inspection You have read and understand the contents of this agreement and that the inspection will be carried out in accordance with this document. You agree to pay for the inspection on delivery of the report.

If You fail do not agree to the terms of this agreement, and do not cancel the requested inspection then You agree that You have read and understand the contents of this agreement and that We will carry out the inspection on the basis of this agreement and that We can rely on this agreement.

Note: Additional inspection requirements requested by You may incur additional expense in regard to the cost of the inspection.

Part 2 – Timber Pest Inspection Agreement

To avoid any misunderstanding as to the type of inspection We will carry out and as to the scope of the resulting report You should immediately read, and agree to the following terms. If You fail to return the copy to Us and do not cancel the requested inspection then You agree that this document forms the agreement between You and Us. We will carry out the inspection and report as ordered by You in accordance with this agreement and You agree to pay for the inspection and report on delivery of the report.
In ordering the inspection, You agree that the inspection will be carried out in accordance with the following clauses, which define the scope and limitations of the inspection and the report.

  • In the case of Pre-purchase Timber Pest Inspections and all Timber Pest Inspections the inspection will be in accord with the requirements of Australian Standard AS 4349.3-1998 Inspection of buildings Part 3: Timber pest inspections.
  • In the case of Termite Inspections the inspection will be carried out in accord with AS 3660.2-2000 Termite management Part2: In and around existing buildings and structures.
  • A copy of these Australian Standards may be obtained from Standards Australia at Your cost.
  • Termite Inspections are not recommended for pre-purchase inspections. AS 3660.2-2000 states this and says that the standard that should be used is AS 4349.3-1998. However, if You request only a Pre-purchase Termite Inspection then the inspection will be in accord with AS 3660.2-2000 and not AS 4349.3-1998.
  • All inspections (whether in accord with AS 4349.3-1998 or AS 3660.2-2000) will be a non–invasive visual inspection and will be limited to those areas and sections of the property to which Reasonable Access (see definitions below) is both available and permitted on the date and time of Inspection.
  • The inspector may use a probe or screwdriver to tap and sound some timbers and may use a sharp knife to carry out some ‘splinter testing’ on structural timbers in the sub-floor and/or roof void. Splinter testing WILL NOT be carried out where the inspection is being carried out for a Client who is a purchaser and not the owner of the property being inspected. The inspector may use a moisture meter to check moisture levels in walls that back onto wet areas such as showers etc. Other than these areas the moisture meter will not be used on other surfaces except where the visual inspection indicates that there may be a need to further test the area.
  • The inspection WILL NOT involve any invasive inspection including cutting, breaking apart, dismantling, removing or moving objects including, but not limited to, roofing, wall and ceiling sheeting, ducting, foliage, mouldings, debris, roof insulation, sarking, sisalation, floor or wall coverings, sidings, fixtures, floors, pavers, furnishings, appliances or personal possessions.
  • The inspector / contractor CANNOT see or inspect inside walls, between floors, inside skillion roofing, inside the eaves, behind stored goods in cupboards, in other areas that are concealed or obstructed. Insulation in the roof void may conceal the ceiling timbers and make inspection of the area unsafe. The inspector/contractor WILL NOT dig, gouge, force or perform any other invasive procedures. An invasive inspection will not be performed unless a separate contract is entered into.
  • If the property to be inspected is occupied then You should be aware that furnishings or household items may be concealing evidence of Timber Pests, which may only be revealed when the items are moved or removed. In some case the concealment may be deliberate. If You are the purchaser and not the owner of the property to be inspected then You should obtain a statement from the owner as to any timber pest activity or damage to the property known to them and what, if any, treatments have been carried out to the property. It is important to obtain copies of any paperwork issued and the details of any repairs carried out. Ideally the information obtained should be given to the inspector prior to the inspection being conducted.
  1. In the case of Pre-purchase Timber Pest Inspections or Timber Pest Inspections in accord with AS 4349.2-1998 the Inspection and resulting Report will be confined to reporting on the discovery, or non discovery, of infestation and/or damage caused by subterranean and dampwood termites (white ants), borers of seasoned timber and wood decay fungi (rot), present on the date and time of the Inspection.
  2. In the case of all Termite Inspections in accord with AS 3660.2-2000 inspections the Inspection and resulting Report will. be confined to reporting on the discovery, or non discovery, of infestation and/or damage caused by subterranean and dampwood termites (white ants) present on the date and time of the Inspection. Borers of seasoned timber will not be reported on. Wood decay fungi (rot) will not be reported on but may be reported as a conducive condition for termite activity.
  3. In both cases the Inspection will not cover any other pests and the Report will not comment on them. Dry wood termites (Family: KALOTERMITIDAE) and European House Borer (Hylotrupes bujulus Linnaeus) will be excluded from the Inspection.
  4. The inspection will report any evidence of a termite treatment that happens to be found. Where evidence of a treatment is reported then the Client should assume that the treatment was applied as a curative and not as a preventative. You should obtain a statement from the owner as to any treatments that have been carried out to the property. It is important to obtain copies of any paperwork issued.
  5. MOULD: Mildew and non wood decay fungi is commonly known as Mould and is not considered a Timber Pest. However, Mould and their spores may cause health problems or allergic reactions such as asthma and dermatitis in some people. No inspection for Mould will be carried out at the property and no report on the presence or absence of Mould will be provided. Should any evidence of Mould happen to be noticed during the inspection, it will be noted in the General Remarks section of this report. If Mould is noted as present within the property and you are concerned as to the possible health risk resulting from its presence then you should seek advice from your local Council, State or Commonwealth Government Health Department or a qualified expert such as an Industry Hygienist.

Nothing contained in the Report will imply that any inaccessible or partly inaccessible area(s) or section(s) of the property are not, or have not been, infested by termites or timber pests. Accordingly, the Report will not guarantee that an infestation and/or damage does not exist in any inaccessible or partly inaccessible areas or sections of the property. Nor can it guarantee that a future infestation of Timber Pests will not occur or be found.

  1. The Report will state timber damage found as ‘slight’, ‘moderate’, ‘moderate to extensive’ or ‘extensive’. This information is not the opinion of an expert, as the inspector/contractor is not qualified to give an expert opinion. The Report will not and cannot state the full extent of any timber pest damage. If any evidence of Timber Pest activity and/or damage resulting from Timber Pest activity is reported either in the structure(s) or the grounds of the property, then You must assume that there may be some structural or concealed damage within the building(s). An invasive Timber Pest Inspection (for which a separate contract is required) should be carried out and You should arrange for a qualified person such as a Builder, Engineer, or Architect to carry out a structural inspection and to determine the full extent of the damage and the extent of repairs that may be required.
  2. If Timber Pest activity and/or damage are found, within the structures or the grounds of the property, then damage may exist in concealed areas, eg framing timbers. In this case an invasive inspection is strongly recommended. Damage may only be found when wall linings, cladding or insulation are removed to reveal previously concealed timber. You agree that neither We nor the individual conducting the Inspection is responsible or liable for the repair of any damage whether disclosed by the report or not.
  1. In the event of any dispute or claim arising out of, or relating to the Inspection or the Report, or any alleged negligent act or omission on Our part or on the part of the individual conducting the Inspection, either party may give written Notice of the dispute or claim to the other party. If the dispute is not resolved within twenty one (21) days from the service of the written Notice then either party may refer the dispute or claim to a mediator nominated by Us. The cost shall be met equally by both parties or as agreed as part of the mediated settlement. Should the dispute or claim not be resolved by mediation then one or other of the parties may refer the dispute or claim to the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators of Australia who will appoint an Arbitrator who will resolve the dispute by arbitration. The Arbitrator will also determine what costs each of the parties are to pay.

The Report will be made solely for the use and benefit of the Client. No liability or responsibility whatsoever, in contract or tort, is accepted to any third party who may rely on the report wholly or in part. Any third parties acting or relying on the report, in whole or in part will do so at their own


You should read and understand the following definitions of words used in this agreement and the Report. This will help You understand what is involved in a Timber Pest Inspection or a Termite Inspection, the difficulties faced by an inspector/contractor and the contents of the Report with which We will provide You following the inspection.

Access hole means a hole in the structure allowing entry to an area.Active means the presence of live timber pests at the time of inspection.

Client means the person(s) for whom the inspection is to be carried out. If ordered by the client’s Agent then it is agreed that the Agent represents the client and has the authority to act for and on behalf of the client.

High moisture readings means a reading on a moisture meter that is higher that the norm for other parts of the structure. Such high reading should be investigated by invasive means as the presence could indicate a leak or may indicate timber pest activity and damage.

Inactive means the absence of live timber pests at the time of inspection but evidence such as workings, damage, mudding or exit holes is found at the time of the inspection.

NOTE: Where visual evidence of inactive termite workings and/or damage is located, it is possible that termites may still be active in the immediate vicinity and the termites may continue to cause further damage It is not possible, without benefit of further investigation and inspections over a period of time, to ascertain whether any infestation is active or inactive. Continued, regular, inspections are essential.

Property means the structures, gardens, trees and fences etc up to fifty (50) metres from the exterior walls of the main building but within the boundaries of the land on which the main building is erected. Unless You specifically order in writing that structures, gardens, trees and fences etc outside the fifty (50) metres from the exterior walls of the main building be inspected no such inspection will be carried out.

Reasonable Access means access to areas as defined in AS 4349.3 – 1998. The standard defines reasonable access as access to “areas where safe, unobstructed access is provided and the minimum clearances specified in the Table below are available or, where these clearances are not available, areas within the consultant’s unobstructed line of sight and within arm’s length.
Reasonable access does not include removing screws and bolts to access covers.” Reasonable access does not include the use of destructive or invasive inspection methods. Nor does reasonable access include cutting or making access traps, or moving furniture or stored goods.

Access Table

Area Access hole Crawl Space 6 or More Bedrooms
Roof void 400mm x 500mm Clearance above access point and in the crawl space: 600 x 600mm Accessible from 2.1m stepladder or 3.6m ladder placed against a wall
Sub-Floor 500mm x 400mm Vertical clearance:
Timber Floor 400mm to bearer, joist or other obstruction.
Concrete floor: 500mm
Roof Exterior Accessible from 3.6m ladder

Report means the report issued to You by Us following Our inspection of the property.

Termites means subterranean and dampwood termites (white ants) and does not include Dry wood termites.

Timber Pests means subterranean and dampwood termites (white ants), borers of seasoned timber and wood decay fungi (rot).

Our/Us/We means the company, partnership or individual named below that You have requested lo carry out a timber pest or termite inspection and report.
You/Your means the party identified as the Client on the face page of this agreement, and where more than one party all such parties jointly and severally, together with any agent of that party.


All Besafe Group Inspectors and the contractors they engage are accredited building consultants with a minimum of 5 years’ experience. They can assess all structures and make qualified general observations or comments.

  1. We are covered by professional indemnity & public liability insurance
  2. All reports contain photos of significant items.
  3. The inspector can give you a call after the inspection for a quick overview.
  4. We are members of the Institute of Building Consultants, and the Master Builders Association.
  1. If there is anything in this agreement that You do not understand then, prior to the commencement of the inspection, You must contact Us by phone or in person and have Us explain and clarify the matter to your satisfaction. Your failure to contact Us means that You have read this agreement and do fully understand the contents.
  2. You agree that in ordering this inspection You have read and understand the contents of this agreement and that the inspection will be carried out in accordance with this document. You agree to pay for the inspection on delivery of the report.
  3. If You do not agree to the terms of this agreement, and do not cancel the requested inspection then You agree that You have read and understand the contents of this agreement and that we will carry out the inspection on the basis of this agreement and that we can rely on this agreement.
  4. If the order is not cancelled prior to the inspection we will consider the agreement to be accepted.
Statement of Client – Please read carefully before signing

The Client requests the Consultant named above to inspect the property and furnish an Inspection Report in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this document. The Client acknowledges that they have read and understood and agree to all the terms and conditions contained in this Pre-Engagement Inspection Agreement.


    Full Name*

    , have read and understood the pre-engagement inspection agreement pertaining to the inspection of

    Property Address*

    Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on

    Phone Number*

    Email Address*

    I accept the Terms and Conditions of our Service.*
